Bangkok Leather Workshop

Bangkok Leather Workshop

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Intermediate Leather Bag Making Workshop with Poh Huat

2 months ago Poh Huat from Singapore participated in the 4 days Beginners Leather Bag Making with Bangkok Leather Workshop.  

He contacted me again early this month raring to learn something more challenging and complicated to complete his leather working skills. He participated in the Intermediate Leather Bag Making workshop. 
I suggested the men's leather messenger as it covers more areas like the slip pocket, internal pocket lining, handle and shoulder strap which was too challenging for the Beginners level. 

Being available only on limited days in Bangkok, I came out with a smaller version of the messenger but still covers all the same processes to meet his demands. 

Poh Huat came well prepared by practising and honing his skills upon completing the Beginners level workshop earlier. Hand stitching and finishing edges was completed smoothly. 

The result is a well handcrafted sharp looking leather messenger complete with leather trimmed internal lining. Poh Huat agreed it was truly a very intensive workshop but the hard work and the long hours are worth the effort and he just couldnt wait to start on more leather bags back home.