Bangkok Leather Workshop

Bangkok Leather Workshop


The following is the latest update on the workshops available. The Beginners Leather Bag Making and Wallet Making workshops are designed especially for beginners level and for participants with no prior experience in leather work but serious about learning a new skill. Participants will be guided step by step beginning from pattern making to cutting leather, hand stitching to completion.

Hand stitching will be done using the traditional saddle stitch method (also known as the double-needled) which dates back hundreds of years ago but still widely used today by bookbinders artisans. Time consuming it may be but it is definitely worth the effort as the result of hand stitching is far more durable that machine stitched!  

Completion will require different amount of time depending on the individual as well as the design, size and complexity of the leather item.

Tools and materials will be provided during class.
Classes will be conducted in English as the main language but all participants are welcomed!
Class is small and participants will have very personalised attention.

For further information, please feel free to fill in the Contact Form and I'll be in touch within a few days. 

1) Leather Billfold Making workshop



    Item : Billfold
    Duration: 3 days (12 hours approx.)

       Includes: Drafting paper pattern, cutting leather
    pieces, skiving, assembling, burnishing edges,
    installing hardware and hand stitching. 

2) Beginners Leather Bag Making Workshop

I've received enquiries for the leather bag making workshop which seems to be rather popular. If you prefer to jump straight into bag making, then take this challenge to your first handcrafted leather bag. 

This basic briefcase bag is the perfect bag to begin with. Participants will be taught how to draft the paper pattern complete with actual dimensions which will then be used to cut the pieces of leather. This will be followed by various process which include assembling, burnishing edges, hand sewing and attaching hard wares.

The idea of this workshop is understanding the step by step process to create a handcrafted leather bag from draft to completion. At the end of the workshop, the participant will be able to go home and create another bag base on his/her own design with this new skill.
Time: 20hrs (approx.)

Workshop Schedule *
Day: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Time: 10am to 4pm (Approximate)
Kindly check with me on your preferred dates

Please contact me for your workshop fee. Thanks.
Please note that each workshop is to make 1 item only.

Once the date of your workshop is set and confirmed, you'll be required to pay a deposit in advance to confirm your booking and the balance to be paid in full upon commencement of the workshop. Bank details will be provided.

* Kindly note that video recording is not permitted during the workshops. Thanks.