Bangkok Leather Workshop

Bangkok Leather Workshop

About me

Bangkok Leather Workshop is the place where you will discover the art of leather crafting especially in leather bag making. Every process will be completely done by hand utilising basic leather crafting tools to complete a bag. Like what many of the participants who have attended the workshops said, besides picking up a fantastic new skill, its also very addictive!  

There are growing interests in leather products and novice leather workers are sprouting like never before producing their own unique design leather goods even in the confinements of their own home with the help of proper leather working tools.

At Bangkok Leather Workshop, there are minimum usage of machines or none at all where every participant will get to experience hands on with step by step guidance through every process, creating their own leather item. Even sewing will be done by hand.   
The workshops are suitable for anyone with no experience in leather bag making.

Here is a little intro of myself. Years ago I've picked up leather working in Florence and the UK during my travels. Upon returning to Kuala Lumpur, I've continued working with a variety of leathers available using the tools brought back with me. Resources were almost non existence in Malaysia then as leather craft was never introduced which resulted in lack of awareness in this unique skill. Tools had to be imported. 

Gradually by word of mouth, I began receiving custom orders for leather bags.
Realising the demand and the increasing interests in handcrafted leather goods, I was approached to set up workshops to cater for both individuals and small groups of participants beginning with small and simple items like passport holders, business card case to bags.

Currently relocated to Bangkok with my husband, I'm setting up similar workshops for leather work enthusiasts.
For more information, please contact me by filling up the Contact Form and I'll get back to you within a few days.

Thank you for visiting Bangkok Leather Workshop. Have a wonderful day!
