Bangkok Leather Workshop

Bangkok Leather Workshop

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Dao Ban's Leather Messenger (cont.)

The front slip pocket is burnished and ready. Here, it is placed in position before stitching onto the main panel.

Stitching the slip pocket in place with the help of the saddler's clam. An original saddlers clam made of beech wood was carried back with me from the UK and later had reproductions made due to demands from my workshop participants.
I rely on it for all my works whether small or large items and find it very helpful when stitching.

In the process of burnishing the edges after assembling the gusset onto the front panel of the bag. The difference in appearance before and after the process of burnishing can clearly be seen here.
A lot of elbow grease needed and the process is painstakingly slow but the result is worth the effort.


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