Bangkok Leather Workshop

Bangkok Leather Workshop

Thursday 5 November 2015

Its a privilege and humbling experience being able to meet many interesting participants from all walks of life during the leather workshops.  Everyone I've met come from very different backgrounds and it's always a joy listening to their stories and travel experience. I look forward to every meeting. This time around Matt who hails from Australia, came to participate in the Beginners Small Leather Goods workshop. 
Matt and his wife are an adventurous couple and  have travelled far and wide and lived in many different parts of the world. Some may call this a Nomadic life but you've got only one life and its too short to be stucked in just one place!
Great to have you Matt! 

Matt have just completed the paper pattern and is
now cutting all the required parts needed
for his passport holder.

Assembling the parts together for hand stitching.

Cleaning up the edges for burnishing

Matt working hard to give the edges a shiny finish!

The fruit of his labour. Well done Matt!

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