Bangkok Leather Workshop

Bangkok Leather Workshop

Thursday 12 November 2015

Leather Clutch Workshop

Early this week I've had the pleasure of meeting a fellow Malaysian,the lovely Saran. With her cheerful and bubbly personality, my day couldn't have been any brighter! Saran was a lawyer and is now a humanitarian working for the UN and on top of that she is also the Co-Founder of DIYKL promoting DIY fashion accessories among other things to hip and creative Malaysians.

Saran participated in the leather Clutch making workshop which took almost the entire day. Here are some of the shots taken throughout the day.

Saran learning to make the paper pattern.
Couldn't emphasize more on the importance
of getting it right 

Practise cutting using leather swatches

Transferring paper pattern to cut leather

Attaching hardware 

Now that the hardware is done,
its time to begin stitching

Saran learning to saddle stitch for the first time.

Saran proudly holding her handcrafted leather clutch.
Good job girl!


  1. Hi, Sam. Would like to ask about the details for the course fee and time? I would love to join when I have the time ^^ email:

  2. Ahh I had such a fantastic time learning from you Sam! I have been super busy, and not really utilised my newfound leather skills from you - but I've got some tools and will work on them soon - and then I'll show you! :) Hope all is well in Bangkok!

  3. Hi Saran! I'm good. Great to hear from you. Thanks for leaving such a positive feedback.Can't wait to see your work!
